Cazuelica de morros en salsa


ACF: none

Array ( [post_type] => Array ( [0] => participante ) [post_status] => publish [posts_per_page] => 10 [post__in] => Array ( [0] => 403 ) [tax_query] => Array ( [relation] => AND ) [post__not_in] => Array ( [0] => 449 ) [orderby] => Array ( [date] => ASC ) [meta_query] => Array ( [0] => Array ( ) ) )
0.036542177200317 seconds

pertenece a:

ACF Type: text

8-25 FEBRERO 2024

ACF Type: text

L a D todo el día

ACF Type: text

Vino Recomendado: Castillo Monjardín Crianza 2020


ACF: none

Array ( [post_type] => Array ( [0] => plato ) [post_status] => publish [posts_per_page] => 10 [meta_query] => Array ( [relation] => AND [0] => Array ( [relation] => OR [0] => Array ( [key] => evento [value] => "2232" [compare] => LIKE ) ) [1] => Array ( ) ) [post__not_in] => Array ( [0] => 449 ) [orderby] => Array ( [date] => ASC ) )

Callos / carrilleras / morros / Corteza de cerdo

ACF Type: text

Plaza Ezkaba, s/n (Avda. Villava, 84 trasera)

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L a D de 12-15.30 y 19 a 22h M cerrado

ACF Type: post_object

Higadicos de pollo con su guarnición

ACF Type: text

C/ Estafeta 59

ACF Type: text

M a D de 8-16h y de 20 a cierre. L cerrado

ACF Type: post_object

Nuestros callos: patas, morros y callos

ACF Type: text

C/ Estafeta 49-51

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L a D de 9-23h. M cerrado

ACF Type: post_object

Callos / Carrilleras de cerdo en salsa de vino tinto

ACF Type: text

C/ San Nicolás 13

ACF Type: text

L a D 12-16h y 19-22:30h

ACF Type: post_object

Anticuchos bolivianos/ Chunchulin con salsa de maní y mote blanco / Manitas de cerdo en salsa/ Callos con chorizo. «

ACF Type: text

C/ Aoiz 4

ACF Type: text

L a S 11-14h y 19:00-21h

ACF Type: post_object

Callos con morro de ternera y pata de cerdo

ACF Type: text

C/ Joaquin Maya 15

ACF Type: text

L a D de 11-14h y de 20-23h. X cerrado

ACF Type: post_object

Cállate el morro: cazuelica de callos con morros

ACF Type: text

C/ Cataluña 8

ACF Type: text

L a D 13-15:30h y de 19-23h

ACF Type: post_object

Callos / Manitas de cerdo / Morros / Orejas / Sesos / Mollejas

ACF Type: text

C/ Esquiroz 25 tras

ACF Type: text

L a V 9-14h y 19-22h. S 9-14h. S tarde y D cerrado

ACF Type: post_object

Callos a lo Navarro-Peruano

ACF Type: text

Plaza Yamaguchi 10

ACF Type: text

L de 19:30 - 22:30h. M a D de 12-16h y de 19:30-22:30h.

ACF Type: post_object

Callos con morros

ACF Type: text

Plaza Arriurdiñeta, 2

ACF Type: text

J a D 19-22h

ACF Type: post_object

1.1227309703827 seconds